クリスマスフェア 2018 Christmas Fair

2018.12.8 – 12.23
The end of the year, our third year of Tir na Nog.
Please come and see the works of all the artists we’ve shown since our first show, back in November 2015. Along with those varied impressions, we include prints and paintings from around Europe, and some European antiquities  in the back room, for those who love little things.
We’d be glad to see you, and to have a chat. As the month grows frantic, come and step into the ‘other world’ of Tir na nOg.


[国内]赤塚祐二、伊藤誠、今泉敦子、熊倉涼子、勝間田弘幸、高津央、田沼利規、東原均、富永晉彦、中川道夫、長沢秀之、中村綾花、中村達志、橋場信夫、馬場健太郎、藤田修、保坂毅、額田宣彦、森北伸、わだときわ 他

[海外]Tina Brooks(アイルランド)、 Louise Davies(英国)、Raymond Debieve(フランス)、Pavel Pop(セルビア)、 Yuksel Sahin(フランス)、Michael Schneider(オーストリア)、Janet Q. Treloar(英国、Yo Weber-Diederichs(フランス) 他

ティル・ナ・ノーグ ギャラリー