Celtic Vision

Celtic vision title

Contemporary Irish artists group show
May 13 – June 4, 2017   13:00 – 19:00
Closed Mondays

At Tir na nog Gallery, named after ‘the other world’ of Celtic myth, we offer a group exhibition of contemporary Irish artists. Oil paintings, collage and prints by 10 eminent artists active in Ireland — some for the first time in Japan. This exhibition, one of a series of events celebrating 60 years of diplomatic relations between Ireland and Japan, reflects the gallery’s aim of contributing to cultural exchange between the two countries. Please come and see vibrant contemporary Celtic art.

………………………………..Sophie Aghajanian            Paddy Lennon
………………………………..Carmel Benson                  Johnny McCabe
………………………………..Tina Brooks                        Ed Miliano
………………………………..Melissa Ellis                       Aoife Scott
………………………………..Niamh Flanagan               Elke Thönnes